Da Vinci Science Center

Allentown, PA

The Da Vinci Science Center is a science center in Allentown, PA for all ages.

Some of the exhibits are:

                 Watch Water Freeze where you can watch as the ice crystals form,

                 Pet a Sea Creature where you can actually pet a starfish or a horseshoe crab,

                 Explore the geology of the region and see fossils in the rock

These are just a sampling of the many exhibits this science center contains.

Please check out their web site to see the latest exhibit updates.  Paste following link into your browser and go to the Da Vinci Science Center site to the heading The Center and into What's Here for a current listing:


We Recommend


These are places and sites we recommend.

There are educational web sites for museums and science centers.  We also have a recommended list of web sites for educational toys and products.  Please check them out and come back here any time.

American Museum of Natural History

New York City

What else can be said about natural history?

They have it ALL!

Whether you enjoy astronomy, minerals, dinosaurs, human origins, whatever!

If you go, and you should go, and you never get lost … you haven’t seen everything!

The cream of the crop!






The following link will take you to Amazon.com for my recommended reading list for prehistoric life and physics.

If you don't see what you are looking for please  let us know and we will try to help.

Please come back and visit anytime.

Academy of Natural Sciences

Philadelphia, PA

Our local version of the New York model on a less overwhelming scale.

If you want to stay away from the big city, this is your natural history museum of choice.  … And it isn’t far from the Franklin Institute—the home of the sciences for young and old alike!

The Franklin Institute is to the sciences what the American Museum of Natural History is to natural history!

For the Academy of Natural Sciences go to:


For the Franklin Institute go to:




Great place for everyone for science equipment and fun! Find the largest selection of toys and tools for kids, hobbyists and science geeks of all ages at








One of my Physics Rocks! equipment suppliers. WARDS carries everything you need to teach AP Science


For science equipment, science fair material, etc.

Science Programs for Schools, Libraries, and

Anywhere Science is Discussed!






This is one of the places I use for my Physics Rocks! program equipment.

Great place for serious science, science fair equipment, etc. Earth Science and Space. Shop now at Sargent Welch.

Please e-mail us at:



or call :


To contact us:

This is our book based on our Science Rocks! school program.

This is an excellent introduction to natural history written for ages 8 and above.


There are over 100 full color photos of fossils in our collection covering the first forms of life all the way up through modern man.


This book is available through Amazon and Barnes and Noble.